

Sessions are billed at $190/50min.hour Individual   -- $250/50min.hour for Couples.   Note: I will also consider appointments of 1.5 hours in length and the fee per session is $275.00-$285/50 min.hour.

Payment is due at the time of service and can be made by cash, e-transfer or visa (when indicated). I require at 24 hours notice for cancellations. Any sessions that are canceled without adequate notice and all no-shows will be billed for the full session.

If you have an extended health benefits package through your employer, it is up to you to determine whether or not my services/credentials meet the insurable criteria. Please make time to ensure that Social Work is covered by your provider. If your coverage is for 'psychotherapy', you can ask your provider about working with a Registered Social Worker who delivers psychotherapy. I can provide you with my registration number to support that inquiry. 

I am a Registered Social Work in good standing with the Ontario Association of Social Workers (OASW) and the Ontario College of Social Workers and Social Service Workers (OCSWSSW). All receipts provided include my registration number.